Firsts can always be a bit scary. Website posts are no different 🙂 What do I have to write? What could I possibly have to share that could help others? If they even found this website, why would anyone listen to what I have to say?

The truth is: I don’t know. Maybe you won’t listen. Maybe you think I should stop blabbering and get to the point already! Or, maybe you are curious what I’ll have to say. I don’t know.

And that’s the thing. There is no such thing as certainty about what others will think about you. There is no certainty about how you will perform, there is no certainty how your answers will be perceived. All I know is, that you can do your best.

Your best might be a little bit different today than it was yesterday, last week, or last year. Your best right now could be reading two sentences, only to forget about them straight away, or it could be getting straight A’s. Both are good, both are reasons to be proud of yourself. You are trying. And sometimes the fact that you’re trying in itself is your best.

Trying is the best thing you can do.

Slowly but surely I hope to fill this website with practical tips you can use to help get you through your studies. They could help you, or perhaps not, but it will be worth it to take the shot.

